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Media Cleaner - Configuration

This document provides instructions for configuring the Media Cleaner module.

Configuration in Stores --> Configuration

Enabling the Module

To enable the module, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to the following section:

Stores --> Configuration --> qoliber --> Media Cleaner --> Configuration --> Enabled.

Enabling Cleaning with CRON

To enable cleaning with CRON, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to the following sections:

  3. Stores --> Configuration --> qoliber --> Media Cleaner --> Configuration --> Enable Cron

  4. Stores --> Configuration --> qoliber --> Media Cleaner --> Configuration --> Cron Expression

Cleaning cache directory

To clean media/catalog/product/cache, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to the following section:

Stores --> Configuration --> qoliber --> Media Cleaner --> Configuration --> Clean Cache Directory As Well.