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SEO - Dynamic Descriptions - Configuration

This document provides instructions for configuring the SEO Dynamic Descriptions module.

Initial Configuration

The module is disabled by default and needs to be enabled in the Admin Panel.

Enable the Module

To enable the module, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to the following section:

Stores --> Configuration --> qoliber --> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions.

Enable the module

Category View

The settings group is displayed only when the Enabled field from the Settings group is set to Yes.

Field Move Description Below Pagination

Moves the category description (Category edit form -> Content -> Description) below pagination.

If the module is disabled in Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Settings -> Enabled or the field Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Category View -> Move Description Below Pagination is set to No, the category description remains in its default position. However, if the module is enabled and the Move Description Below Pagination field is set to Yes, the description is moved below the pagination.

Field Remove Description on Subsequent Pages

If the module is disabled in Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Settings -> Enabled or the field Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Category View -> Remove Description on Subsequent Pages is set to No, the category description appears on every category page (when navigating through pagination). However, if the module is enabled and the Remove Description on Subsequent Pages field is set to Yes, the description is removed on all pages except the first one.

Product View

The settings group is displayed only when the Enabled field from the Settings group is set to Yes.

Field Copy Name to Meta Title

If the module is disabled in Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Settings -> Enabled or the field Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Product View -> Copy Name to Meta Title is set to No, the product meta title is taken from the value assigned to this attribute. However, if the module is enabled, the Copy Name to Meta Title field is set to Yes and the meta title in the product is empty, then the meta title is taken from the product name.

Field Copy Description to Meta Description

If the module is disabled in Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Settings -> Enabled or the field Stores -> Configuration -> QOLIBER -> SEO: Dynamic Descriptions -> Product View -> Copy Description to Meta Description is set to No, the product meta description is taken from the value assigned to this attribute. However, if the module is enabled, the Copy Description to Meta Description field is set to Yes and the meta description in the product is empty, then the meta description is taken from the product description (HTML tags are removed) or from product name if product description is empty.